Music » Choice Concerts

ROCK | Heavy Temple


Spacey and thumpy with trance-inducing undulations, you float through Heavy Temple. The kick drum sets the pulse for the female lead's — High Priestess NightHawk — vocals to float over. Her guitar shifts from a floaty wah-pedal sound to a distorted fuzz in the same minute. Heavy Temple seems to want to take you to a darker other dimension the band would rather be in. The trio — which includes other monikers, Saint Columbidae and Fox the Alchemist — hail from Philadelphia, where they got their start in December 2012. Calling Heavy Temple's sound "sonic mysticism" the group debuted its first EP in May 2014. All three tracks are at least 7 minutes, but with little homage to more popular form structures, you get the feeling these trancey weaves could go on for twice as long. Known for adding a psychedelic visual to its live shows, expect to go on a sensory journey with Heavy Temple.

Heavy Temple plays with No Glitter, Pink Elephant, and The Curl & Drag on Friday, November 21, at the Bug Jar, 219 Monroe Avenue. 8 p.m. $7-$9.;