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DJ/ELECTRONIC | Dj Energon Cosplay Friday: The Hobbit


For most people December 14 will be just another Friday. But to the legions of "Lord of the Rings" fans, it marks the release of the first of the long-awaited "Hobbit" movies, and a return to Middle-Earth on the silver screen. If you aren't too sleepy from seeing the film at midnight (like the good hobbit you are), make sure to head on out of your hobbit hole under the hill and down to DJ Energon's cosplay hobbit-themed dance party Friday night. Throw on your best dwarf beard, hobbit feet, or Gandalf hat (Oppa Gandalf style, anybody?) and get ready to party like a bunch of immortal elves.

DJ Energon presents Cosplay Friday: The Hobbit on Friday, December 14, 10 p.m. at Vertex Nightclub, 169 N. Chestnut St. $3-$8. 232-5498.