We welcome your comments. Send them to [email protected], or post them on our website, rochestercitynewspaper.com, our Facebook page, or our Twitter feed, @roccitynews. For our print edition, we select comments from all three sources; those of fewer than 350 words have a greater chance of being published, and we do edit selections for publication in print. We don't publish comments sent to other media.

The faces of barbarism

Government and media opinionaters call the beheadings of several journalists (and other activities of ISIS) "barbaric," yet they do not acknowledge the "barbarism" of disembodying thousands of human beings and splaying blood and guts, flesh and bones all over the Earth with their magnificent and "sophisticated" weaponry.

They call the executioner a coward for not showing his or her face; yet they drop bombs and fire missiles from drones guided by someone thousands of miles away. The "executioner's face" is ALWAYS well hidden, isn't it?

I think each of us would be best served by sitting quietly with the afflictions of greed, hatred, anger, and delusion with which we have allowed our minds to be gripped, until we realize what we are truly serving and we recognize the "true face" of the executioner and the executed.

May all beings be liberated from suffering.


Developing Charlotte

I don't live in Charlotte, but I do live in the city. It kind of feels like no matter what anyone tries to do there to grow our community, some residents believe that they, not all of us, own the area. Growth comes and market forces, not single or selfish interests can stop it. Build it....


Efforts growing to help children

Tim Louis Macaluso is a terrific reporter, and he's covered the mayor's proposed "3 to 3" plan well ("Lovely Warren: Rochester's Mother Mayor"). However, he states that the mayor campaigned "against" the school district, and that the city, county, and school district have a failed history of working together. Although there's truth to this, we, ROC the Future, are happy to share the progress made to date and lift the work of ROC the Future to promote alignment and coordination of these inter-governmental agencies.

The city, county, school district, and several dozen other key community leaders for children participate in ROC the Future, our community's replication of a successful cradle-to-career effort in Cincinnati that has raised educational outcomes. The mayor invokes ROC the Future in her "3 to 3" plan, particularly its proposal for comprehensive screening of 3-year-olds, and she personally participates at the ROC the Future conveners' table.

This group is dedicated to doing the hard work our community needs to align programs and accomplish system change, and the mayor's proposals fit right in.

On October 17, Mayor Warren, Superintendent Bolgen Vargas, and County Executive Maggie Brooks will together help ROC the Future present its annual report card in a "State of Our Children" breakfast. Come see alignment in the making!


Leonard is president and CEO of the Rochester Area Community Foundation and chairs ROC the Future. Brock is executive for Education Initiatives of The Children's Agenda and is alliance director of ROC the Future.

You know you're in Rochester if...

On our Best of Rochester voting: Looking at this ballot, it has become clear the only thing to do is this town is go to Wegmans...