Music » Choice Concerts



We think of early composers of sacred music as having a clear line to heaven and hell. But, what if Renaissance sacred music was actually inspired by the music of the masses being sung, hummed, and whistled on the streets? Join the a cappella group Musica Spei for a performance of Renaissance sacred music influenced by popular tunes. The program includes portions of Giovanni Palestrina's setting of the "Song of Songs," Orlande de Lassus' "Tears of St. Peter," and movements from Clément Janequin's Missa. The Missa titled "La Bataille" (The Battle) borrows melodies from Janequin's popular song "La Guerre" (The War), including the sounds of battle.

There are several performance venues for this concert, including Rochester on Saturday, June 8. Musica Spei performs "Street Songs to Sacred Sounds: Renaissance Rock Goes to Church" on Friday, June 7, 7:30 p.m. at St. Mary's Church (Auburn), and Saturday, June 8, 8 p.m. at Nazareth College's Linehan Chapel (4245 East Ave.). Suggested donation $10, 381-7149,