A Morelle is headed to the Legislature


Monroe County Democrats will move to put Joe Morelle Jr., in the County Legislature seat vacated by Ted O'Brien, who is starting his term in the State Senate. An announcement is expected later today.

Morelle is the son of State Assembly member and county Democratic Committee chair Joe Morelle. According to media reports, Morelle Jr. is a leasing agent for Wilmorite's Park Point development.

The seat is based in Irondequoit, and the town Democratic Committee — both Morelles are members — selected the younger Morelle to replace O'Brien. The senior Morelle will submit his son's name to Legislature President Jeff Adair.

Under the county charter, when a Legislature seat becomes vacant, the president must appoint someone in the same party as the seat's previous occupant. Traditionally, the recommendations come from the party chairs and the president honors them.

If appointed, Morelle would have to run for the seat in November.